Installing NetResults Tracker Software
To install NetResults Tracker software, please follow the
instructions on our web site
or those included with your license or evaluation email. Temporarily disable any anti-virus software while you run the installation program and perform configuration steps in the Workgroup Management System (WMS). This is recommended so that your anti-virus software will not prevent the installation program or WMS from performing operations such as copying files, running scripts, configuring your web server, setting file permissions and registry entries. Your anti-virus software can be reactivated safely after you have completed the installation steps and any necessary WMS configuration. To install Tracker, login
as Administrator on the web server machine on which you would like to install
Tracker and run the self-extracting .exe file you
downloaded or the setup.exe program on the CD you received. During the installation, you will be asked to select a time zone. For a list of available time zones, please refer to the following section:
Windows 2003 / 2000 Time Zones