NetResults Tracker Help
Fields in a Form

You can select which fields are available on each form

To set the fields for a form:

  1. Login to the workgroup as Admin
  2. Click on the Admin icon
  3. Click on the Forms link
  4. Click on the Fields button to the left of the form to which you want to add fields
  5. The Fields Used By This Form column contains any fields that are currently used by the form. The fields PRN, Status, Reported By, Assigned To, Deleted? and Product are used by every form and cannot be removed. Fields marked with a * are fields that use global properties and can be managed in the Fields section. If you wish to change a field such that it no longer uses global properties, edit the field's properties.

    The fields in the Available Global Fields column are fields that are not currently used by the form.

    To add a field to the form, click on the field in the Available Global Fields column, then click on the Add button. To remove a field so that it is no longer used by the form, click on the field in the Fields Used By This Form column, then click on the Remove button.

    A new field can be added by clicking on the Add Global Field button. Review the Fields Help section for details about adding a new field.

  6. Click OK to return to the Forms page.

Removing and Re-adding Fields to a Form

When a field is removed from a form, all values in that field in the records created using that form will be removed. If later the field is re-added to the form, the field's value in all records created using the form will be set to its default (the old values from before the field was removed will not be preserved). Values of the field in records created using other forms will not be affected. Please review the information about the effects of adding/removing fields on a form in the Fields and Forms section.

Add a User Pulldown to a Form with Existing Records

When a pulldown configured as a user pulldown is added to a form with existing records, you will be prompted to set the value of the user pulldown in the existing records. Please review the Set User Pulldown Values for Existing Records section of the Fields and Forms section for details about the available options.

Editing Field Properties

The fields that are used by a form can have Global Field Properties or be modified such that they have different properties when the field appears in each form. Global Field Properties are the properties set for the field in the Fields section.

To edit a field's properties from the Fields section of a form:

  1. Login to the workgroup as Admin
  2. Click on the Admin icon
  3. Click on the Forms link
  4. Click on the Fields button to the left of the form to which you want to edit fields
  5. Click on a field in the Fields Used By This Form column, then click on the Edit button
  6. The properties of the selected field will be displayed. When the box for the property Use Global Field Properties is checked, this indicates that the properties set for the field in the Fields section will be applied to this field on all forms. Unchecking the box for the Use Global Fields Properties option will allow you to set the field's properties for the selected form. An explanation of the available properties for the fields by field type can be found in the Fields Help section.
  7. Click OK to save any changes to the field properties

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