NetResults Tracker Help
The Tracker User Interface

The Tracker user interface has the following main components as shown in the illustration above:

  1. Button Bar
    This bar contains buttons that allow direct access to Tracker's primary functions. For those operations that require a record, a Search Window appears prompting you to enter a record number. By default this dialog will contain the record number of the last record on which an operation was performed. You can also enter keywords to search for records. This bar also contains the Version of Tracker being used.

  2. Status Bar
    This area reports the status of the last operation. The Status Bar will remain at the top of the page as you scroll to view the contents of the Dialog Area. If a long message is contained in the Status Bar, click on Status Bar and move the cursor to the right to see the full content of the message. Clicking on the Help link on the right end of the Status Bar provides the help contents for the current page. Depending on the permission given to the login user, the Help link may or may not be available.

  3. Dialog Area
    This is the primary data entry and reporting area of Tracker. In most cases action buttons that appear in this area are placed at both the top and the bottom of the form to allow easier access.

    NetResults Tracker © 1997-2013 NetResults Corporation. All rights reserved.