Topics Covered In This Section
To set or edit the privileges for a user group:
When assigning user group privileges, please note:
For example, let's say a workgroup has 2 forms: a Product Development form for submitting issues to the Product Development Process and a Support form for submitting tickets through the Support Ticket Process. User One is a member of the user groups "Developers" and "Support". The Developers group has visibility to the Product Development form and has the privileges "View Fields" and "Task Assigned Records" enabled. The Support group has visibility to the Support form and has the privileges "Add", "View Fields" and "Task Assigned Records" enabled. Even though User One is a member of a user group with the "Add" privilege enabled, User One can only add issues using the Support form (and not the Product Development form).
Report privileges (Query and Metrics) are non-global by default. An example to illustrate what this means: let's say a user is a member of the Developers and Managers user groups. The Developers group has the "Query" privilege as the only privilege enabled in the Query section. The Managers group has all of the privileges enabled in the Query section. In the Saved Queries pulldown, if there is a saved query with "[Developers]" at the end of the name (a group saved query for the Developers group), the user will only be able to use the operations "Run" or "Set as Default" for this saved query because the Developers group does not have "Save Group Queries" privilege enabled. If there is a saved query with "[Managers]" at the end of the name (a group saved query for the Managers group), the user will be able to use any operations ("Run", "Preview", "Edit", etc.). The behavior for group saved report layouts, group saved charts and group saved chart layouts is similar to the above.
The option "Make All Report Privileges Global" is available in the General Preferences section if you wish to make report privileges global (such that they are applied to users that are members of a user group irrespective of the Projects and Forms visible to the user group).
Privileges for Standard User Groups
Standard user groups (all members are non-Restricted users) can be granted or denied the following privileges.
Standard User Group Privileges Divided by Feature/Area
General Privileges
The following privileges are basic Tracker operations. An icon will appear in the top button bar for members of the user groups which have been granted one or more of the following general privileges:
Toolbar Help* - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to access the help documentation by clicking on the Help icon in the Button bar. Clicking on the Help icon will open a browser window to display either the default Tracker Help guide page or the URL entered for the Custom Help Link for Standard Users option in the General Preferences section.
Context-Sensitive Help Link* - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to access the help documentation by clicking on the context-sensitive "Help" links that appear in the upper right corner of the Status bar on each page in Tracker. Clicking on the "Help" link will open a browser window displaying the specific Help section which describes the page where the link was clicked.
History - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to make queries into the record history database (audit trail documenting changes made by whom and when)
Delete - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to delete records
Admin* - Members of groups with this privilege allowed to perform Admin functions
Edit Own User Account* - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to make changes to the contact information listed in their user account. Users with this privilege can click on the Account Info link in the upper right corner of the Home Page to edit the information in their user profile
The following privileges are related to the Add operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Add icon displayed in the button bar:
Add - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add records
Add File Attachments - All members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add a File Attachment on the Add page (along with the original problem record). To subsequently modify attachments in a record (Edit, Delete, or Add additional attachments), a user must also be a member of a group with the Edit Attachments privilege.
Add URL Attachments - All members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add a URL Attachment on the Add page (along with the original problem record). To subsequently modify attachments in a record (Edit, Delete, or Add additional attachments), a user must also be a member of a group with the Edit Attachments privilege.
Can Be Assignee For Add - All members of groups with this privilege appear in the Assignee list when a record is added. This allows you to limit which users can be assigned to a newly added record.
Add via Submit Page - If this privilege is not displayed, it indicates the feature is not licensed or enabled.
If this user group is selected in "User Groups" in Unregistered User Options, any forms made visible to this group will be available on the Submit Page in order for records to be added.
The following privileges are related to the View operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the View icon displayed in the button bar and in the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
View Fields - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view the fields within records. The fields which the members or groups are allowed to view are based on the Field Visibility settings on the View page for each user group.
View Attachments - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view attachments within records
View Source Code List - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view source code files associated with records when Source Code Control Integration is enabled
View Record History - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view record history (audit trail documenting changes made by whom and when)
View User Information - When the "Assigned To" or "Reported By" fields appear on the View Page or in reports on the Home or Query pages, all members of groups with this privilege will be able to click on the user's name to see the details in their user account (e.g. phone number, email address, company name).
The following privileges are related to the Edit operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Edit icon displayed in the button bar and in the Action column of the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
Edit Fields - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to edit the fields within records. The fields which the members or groups are allowed to edit are based on the Field Visibility settings on the Edit page for each user group. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one Edit Visibility privilege.
Edit Attachments - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to edit the attachments within records. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one Edit Visibility privilege.
Edit Source Code List - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to edit the source code files associated with records when Source Code Control Integration is enabled. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one Edit Visibility privilege.
Can Be Assignee for Edit - All members of groups with this privilege appear in the Assignee list when a record is edited. This allows you to limit which users can be assigned to a record that is being edited.
View Record History in Edit Page - All members of groups with this privilege will see the Record History at the bottom of the page when using the Edit operation.
The following privileges are related to the Edit operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Edit icon displayed in the button bar and in the Action column of the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
Edit Assigned Records - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to edit only those records where he/she is the current Assignee. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one privilege from the Edit section.
Edit Records in State(s): - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to edit only those records where the current status is one of the state(s) selected for this privilege. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard to select multiple states. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one privilege from the Edit section.
Edit if State Manager - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to edit only those records where he/she is the state manager for the record's current state. A state manager for a record is based on the combination of the project and form selected for the record (see Form State Managers). In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one privilege from the Edit section.
Edit if Reporter in State(s): - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to edit only those records where he/she is the user listed in the Reported By field and the current state of the record is one of the state(s) selected for this privilege. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one privilege from the Edit section.
Edit All Records - Members of groups with this privilege enabled have the ability to edit any record irrespective of the record's current status or assignee. In order for this privilege to be meaningful, you must also enable at least one privilege from the Edit section.
The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privilege below will have the Task icon displayed in the button bar and in the Action column of the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages.
Task Assigned Records - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to perform the Task operation on records in which he / she is user selected in the Assigned To field.
Task Records in State(s): - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to perform the Task operation on records in which the Status field is set to one of the states highlighted in the list below the privilege. Click on a state to select it. Multiple states can be selected by holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard while clicking on the states you wish to select.
Task if State Manager - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to Task only those records where he/she is the state manager for the record's current state. A state manager for a record is based on the combination of the project and form selected for the record (see Form State Managers).
Task if Reporter in State(s): - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to Task only those records where he/she is the user listed in the Reported By field and the current state of the record is one of the state(s) selected for this privilege.
Task All Records - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to perform the Task operation on all records irrespective of who is currently assigned to the record.
The following privileges are related to the Query operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Query icon displayed in the button bar:
Query - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to access the query page to generate reports. The fields which the members or groups are allowed to query are based on the Field Visibility settings on the Query / Home pages for each user group.
Save Group Queries - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add, edit, and delete group saved queries for any group in which they are a member. If this privilege is enabled, the "Query" privilege will also be enabled.
Save Group Report Layouts - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add, edit, and delete group saved report formats for any group in which they are a member. If this privilege is enabled, the "Query" privilege will also be enabled.
Edit Query Result Set - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to perform a query and then perform an edit that affects all the records in the query result set. If a user is also a member of a group with Delete privilege, then they can perform a delete of all records matching a query. If this privilege is enabled, the "Query" privilege will also be enabled.
The following privileges are related to the Metrics operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Metrics icon displayed in the button bar:
Home Page Only - Members of groups with this privilege are only allowed to run Metrics from their Home page. They will not have the Metrics icon in their toolbar. This can be used to limit users to running only those Metrics created for their User Group(s). This can not be selected if any of the other three options (above) are selected.
Metrics - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to generate Metrics reports and will have the Metrics icon displayed in the top button bar
Save Group Charts - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add, edit, and delete group saved charts for any group in which they are a member. In order to use this function, the "Metrics" privilege mentioned above should also be enabled.
Save Group Chart Layouts - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add, edit, and delete group saved report formats for any groups in which they are a member. In order to use this function, the "Metrics" privilege mentioned above should also be enabled.
The following privileges are associated with the content included in the email notification messages sent by Tracker. The privileges represent the components of an email notification message as configured in the Email Rules section.
Greeting - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages with the Greeting section included
Introduction - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages with the Introduction section included
Operation Description - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that contain the Operation Description section
Link - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that contain a hyperlink to the View page of the record listed in the email message
History Comment - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that include the history comment entered during the operation that triggered the notification message
Fields - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that include the record's fields that are visible to this user group via email
Signature - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages with the Signature section included
The following privileges will only be displayed if Record Visibility is enabled. This is a feature which restricts a user's access to records based on the user groups in which he or she is a member:
Edit Record Visibility - When a record is added, it is made visible to all user groups in which the reporter is a member. Members with this privilege are allowed to explicitly select which other groups may view the record when it is added, and also change what groups may view the record at any later time. If a user does not have this privilege and Record Visibility is enabled, then when they add a new record the visibility of the record is based on the General Preferences settings related to Record Visibility. Typically you should grant this privilege to internal user groups (users who should be able to select which groups can see a record they are reporting) and exclude it from external user groups. User groups with this privilege will have the field Make Visible to These User Groups displayed on the Add, Edit and Edit Results pages if they also have privileges related to the Add, Edit and Edit Results operations.
Override Record Visibility* - All members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view all records. This is typically used to allow members of internal user group(s) to view records added by all other external user group(s) without having to be a member of every user group. Member of user groups that have this privilege and the Edit Record Visibility privilege can set the visibility of any record to any set of user groups (not just the user groups to which they belong).
Make Visible to Groups (Standard): - When a record is added by a member of this user group, it will automatically be made visible to other members of this group as well as members of any other Standard user group selected for this option. To select multiple user groups, hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard while selecting user groups.
The following privileges are associated with the cloning (copy record) feature.
View Clone Information - Members of groups with this privilege will have the Clone Info section visible on the View page. The Clone Info section of the View page includes information about and links to the "parent" (record that the record being viewed was cloned from) as well as the "children" (clones created from the record being viewed), if any.
Clone Record - Members of groups with this privilege can perform the Clone operation from the View page. This privilege is not needed to perform a Task operation that has been configured to clone a record. If you wish to control when a record can be cloned (based on the Status of the record) and what fields must (or may) be modified in the clone (child record) immediately after the clone operation, then we recommend that you do not enable this privilege. Instead, you should configure (or add) some Transitions to perform the clone operation.
The following privilege is associated with the pulldown item import feature.
Create Pulldown Items - Members of groups with this privilege will have the Import link available on the Manage Menu Items page for each pulldown field so that pulldown option menu items can be imported from a data file or can be added on the fly by the import tool when importing records data. If only importing pulldown items, the Admin privilege should also be enabled for the user group.
The following privileges are related to Alerts, a feature which allows alert notification messages to be sent when a record has not changed state during a certain period of time. If these privileges are not displayed, it indicates the feature is not licensed or enabled.
View Alert Settings - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view the alert settings for a record. In addition, members of groups with this privilege will have the View icon present in the button bar and in the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages.
Edit Own Alert Settings - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to modify the alert settings for records in which they are the current assignee. In addition, members of groups with this privilege will have the Edit icon present in the button bar and in the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages.
Edit Alert Settings - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to modify the alert settings for a record. In addition, members of groups with this privilege will have the Edit icon present in the button bar and in the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages.
The following privileges are related to Discussion, a feature which allows users to discuss various topics within a particular record. If these privileges are not displayed, it indicates the feature is not licensed or enabled. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Discuss icon displayed in the button bar and other discussion icons in the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
View Messages - Members of groups with this privilege may view messages within discussion threads for any record the group can access.
Post Messages - Members of groups with this privilege may post a new message or reply to a message within the discussion threads for any record the group can access. Granting this privilege to a group automatically grants the group the "View Messages" privilege as well.
Initiate Discussion Threads - Members of groups with this privilege may create a new discussion thread for any record the group can access. Granting this privilege to a group automatically grants the group the "View Messages" and "Post Messages" privileges as well.
Edit Messages - Members of groups with this privilege may edit the messages within a discussion for any record the group can access. Granting this privilege to a group automatically grants the group the "View Messages" privilege as well.
Delete Messages and Threads - Members of groups with this privilege may delete the messages and / or threads within a discussion for any record the group can access. Granting this privilege to a group automatically grants the group the "View Messages" privilege as well.
The privileges above make reference to "any record the group can access". If record visibility is enabled within a workgroup, the user can only access a record or the discussion(s) within a record if the user is a member of a user group to which the record is visible.
Restricted user groups have smaller set of privileges than Standard user groups.
Standard User Group Privileges Divided by Feature/Area
General Privileges
Toolbar Help* - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to access the help documentation by clicking on the Help icon in the Button bar. Clicking on the Help icon will open a browser window to display either the default Tracker Help guide page or the URL entered for the Custom Help Link for Restricted Users option in the General Preferences section.
Context-Sensitive Help Link* - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to access the help documentation by clicking on the context-sensitive "Help" links that appear in the upper right corner of the Status bar on each page in Tracker. Clicking on the "Help" link will open a browser window displaying the specific Help section which describes the page where the link was clicked.
Edit Own User Account* - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to make changes to the contact information listed in their user account. Users with this privilege can click on the Account Info link in the upper right corner of the Home Page to edit the information in their user profile
Return to Restricted User Privileges
These privileges are associated with creating records in Tracker. Members of user groups that are granted any of these Add privileges will have an Add icon displayed in the top button bar.
Add - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add records
Add Attachments via Add Page - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to add an Attachment on the Add page (along with the original problem record)
Return to Restricted User Privileges
These privileges are associated with viewing records in Tracker. Members of user groups that are granted any of these View privileges will have an View icon displayed in the top button bar and in the Action column of reports on the Home Page.
View Fields - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view the fields within records. The fields which the members of groups are allowed to view are based on the Field Visibility settings on the View page for each user group.
View Attachments - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view attachments within records
View Record History - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to view record history (audit trail documenting changes made by whom and when)
View User Information - When the "Assigned To" or "Reported By" fields appear on the View Page or in reports on the Home page, all members of groups with this privilege will be able to click on the user's name to see the details in their user account (e.g. phone number, email address, company name)
Return to Restricted User Privileges
The following privileges are related to the Edit operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted the privilege below will have the Edit icon displayed in the button bar and in the Action column of the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
Edit Fields - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to edit the fields within records. The fields which the members or groups are allowed to edit are based on the Field Visibility settings on the Edit page for each user group.
Edit Attachments - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to edit the attachments within records.
Return to Restricted User Privileges
The following privileges are related to the Edit operation. The members of the user group(s) that are granted the privilege below will have the Edit icon displayed in the button bar and in the Action column of the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
Edit if Reporter in State(s): - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to edit only those records where he/she is selected in the Reported By field and the current status is one of the state(s) selected for this privilege. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard to select multiple states.
Return to Restricted User Privileges
The following privilege is associated with performing the Task operation on records. Members of user groups with this privilege will have a Task icon displayed in the top button bar and in the Action column of reports on the Home Page.
Task if Reporter in State(s): - Members of groups with this privilege have the ability to Task only those records where he/she is the user listed in the Reported By field and the current state of the record is one of the state(s) selected for this privilege. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard to select multiple states.
Task All Records - Members of groups with this privilege are allowed to perform the Task operation on any record to which they have access.
Return to Restricted User Privileges
The following privileges are related to Discussion, a feature which allows users to discuss various topics within a particular record. If these privileges are not displayed, it indicates the feature is not licensed or enabled. The members of the user group(s) that are granted any of the privileges below will have the Discuss icon displayed in the button bar and other discussion icons in the reports displayed on the Home and Query pages:
View Messages - Members of groups with this privilege may view messages within discussion threads for any record the group can access.
Post Messages - Members of groups with this privilege may post a new message or reply to a message within the discussion threads for any record the group can access. Granting this privilege to a group automatically grants the group the "View Messages" privilege as well.
Return to Restricted User Privileges
The following privileges are associated with the content included in the email notification messages sent by Tracker. The privileges represent the components of an email notification message as configured in the Email Rules section.
Greeting - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages with the Greeting section included
Introduction - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages with the Introduction section included
Operation Description - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that contain the Operation Description section
Link - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that contain a hyperlink to the View page of the record listed in the email message
History Comment - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that include the history comment entered during the operation that triggered the notification message
Fields - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages that include the record's fields that are visible to this user group via email
Signature - Members of groups with this privilege receive email notification messages with the Signature section included
Return to Restricted User Privileges
The privileges in this section are only meaningful if Record Visibility is enabled. This is a feature which restricts the records a standard user is allowed to see based on user group membership.
Make Visible To Groups (Standard): - When a record is added by a member of this user group, it will be made visible to any standard user groups selected for this privilege. To select multiple user groups, hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard while selecting user groups.
Return to Restricted User Privileges
User Type is a user account property that has been deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release. This property determines whether a user can be listed as a possible selection in the Assigned To list on the Add and Edit pages. This property is only meaningful if the Enable User Type Property option is enabled in User Management System (UMS). It is recommended that you discontinue use of this property since it will be removed in a future release. Instead, the privileges Can Be Assignee for Add and Can Be Assignee for Edit can be used to limit which users are available in the Assigned To field on the Add and Edit pages.