NetResults Tracker Help
Sample Saved Charts

The Metrics operation is a way to generate charts and graphs based on your Tracker data. Sample charts are provided by default in the Tracker templates to provide examples of the charts that can be generated. This section explains the sample charts provided in each template. For information about the operations available in the Metrics page, such as generating a chart, saving a chart, or using chart layouts, please review the Metrics section.

The explanations of each saved chart below assume that the fields and states in the templates have not been removed or renamed. Removing or renaming record fields or workflow states may change the configuration of the saved chart or may change the results displayed by the sample saved charts. The explanations below also assume that the sample saved charts and sample chart layouts have not been modified. To generate one of the sample charts, simply select it and click the Show Chart button. To change the chart layout (for instance, from a bar chart to a line chart), simply change the Chart Layout setting after selecting the Saved Chart, then click the Show Chart button. More information on these settings can be found in the Metrics section.

Saved Charts in the Product and Web Site Development Templates

The following saved charts are included with the Product Development and Web Site Development templates. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects and forms, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of records in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of records added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by product (one line per product that has at least one record added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new reports (records added) for each product over the last six months.

Average Fix Time [Users]

This metric will generate a two dimensional bar chart with the average number number of days it takes to fix a problem, with one bar for each Severity. The time is calculated by using the difference between the Date Reported field and the Fix Date field of each input record. It is designed to easily see differences in how fast particular issues are fixed based on their Severity.

Fix Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which shows the number of records that were fixed in each of the last 12 months. There is one line for each Request Type. And, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered fixed if it moved into the Fixed state during the month. It can be used to view the number of fixes completed each month for the previous year. It allows you to distinguish by Request Type (e.g. Bug, Enhancement).

Fix Totals [Users]

This metric will generate a stacked line chart, which shows the cumulative number of records that have been fixed as of the end of each month for the last twelve months. As with Fix Rate, there is one (filled) line for each Request Type and the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered Fixed if it has moved into the Fixed state at some point prior to the end of the month. It can be used to see running totals of issues that were fixed in the previous year, broken down by Request Type (e.g. Bug, Enhancement).

Project Summary [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays the numbers of records added for each product in each row of the table. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of each project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Severity Trend [Users]

This metric will generate a three dimensional bar chart that displays the number of records added during each of the last twelve weeks, broken down by Severity. It can be used to see if the severity of records being added is changing over time.

Test Fail Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which displays the number of times QA rejected a fix (a record moved from "In Test" to "In Development") during each of the last twelve months. There is one line per product. The most recent month may be a partial month. It is used to see how many items that were marked as Fixed, subsequently failed quality assurance testing. Note: a single issue (record) may have failed multiple times.

Test Pass Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which displays the number of times QA accepted (passed) a fix (a record moved from "In Test" to "Tested") during each of the last twelve months. There is one line per product. The most recent month may be a partial month. It is used to see how many items that were marked as Fixed, subsequently passed quality assurance testing.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of records assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field that represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. Estimated Size), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

Workload by Project [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records were reported against each product. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by project.

Workload Status [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by status.

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Saved Charts in the Knowledge Base Template

The following saved charts are available in the Metrics section of the Knowledge Base template. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects and forms, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of articles in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular type of article or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the type or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of articles added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by product (one line per product that has at least one record added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new articles (records added) for each product over the last six months.

Article Review Status [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart with the relative number of records in each state in the state group "In Review Process". It is designed to give a quick breakdown of the overall status of the articles in the review steps of the workflow process.

Average Review Time [Users]

A bar chart which displays the average time in days for an article of each type to go from First Draft to Publication. This metric is calculated based on the First Draft Date and Publication Date set in each article during the workflow process.

Project Summary [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays the numbers of records added for each product in each row of the table. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of each project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Publication Rate [Users]

A line chart which displays the number of records moved to the Published in KB state during each month for the last 12 months. A separate line will be graphed for each article type. The most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered Published if it moved into the Published in KB state during the month. This metric is designed to show a trend of the number of articles of each type published each month for the last year.

Publication Totals [Users]

A line chart which displays the number of records moved to the Published in KB state as of the end of each month for the last 12 months. A separate line will be graphed for each product. As in the Publication Rate chart above, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered Published if it moved into the Published in KB state during the month. This metric is designed to show a trend of the number of articles for each product published at the end of the month for the last year.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of articles assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field that represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field that notes the estimated number of hours required to process an article), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

Workload by Project [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records were reported against each product. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by project.

Workload Status [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by status.

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Saved Charts in the Help Desk Template

The following saved charts are available in the Metrics section of the Help Desk template. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects and forms, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of records in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of records added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by product (one line per product that has at least one record added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new reports (records added) for each product over the last six months.

Average Close Time [Users]

This metric will generate a two dimensional bar chart with the average number number of days it takes to close an issue, with one bar for each Severity. The time is calculated by using the difference between the Date Reported field and the Close Date field of each input record. It is designed to easily see differences in how fast particular issues are closed based on their Severity.

Close Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which shows the number of records that were closed during each of the last 12 months. There is one line for each Request Type. And, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered closed if it moved into the Closed state during the month. It can be used to view the number of records closed each month for the previous year. It allows you to distinguish by Request Type (e.g. Bug, Enhancement).

Close Totals [Users]

This metric will generate a stacked line chart, which shows the cumulative number of records that have been closed as of the end of each month for the last twelve months. As with Close Rate, there is one (filled) line for each Request Type and the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered Closed if it has moved into the Closed state at some point prior to the end of the month. It can be used to see running totals of issues that were closed in the previous year, broken down by Request Type (e.g. Bug, Enhancement).

Deadline Performance [Users]

This metric will generate a bar chart, which shows the average difference in days between the Est. Close Date and the actual Close Date of a record broken down for each product. It can be used to detect how effective the Est. Close Date is at predicting the actual Close Date of an issue. A negative value for any product indicates that the average issue is resolved before the Est. Close Date.

Hardware Component Performance [Users]

A bar chart which displays the number of current records for every component broken down by request type. This metric is designed to show a snapshot of the hardware components that have the most issues logged and to categorize the types of issues logged for each. This is useful to identify components that have chronic problems.

Help Desk Workload [Users]

A bar chart which displays the number of records assigned to each member of the Help Desk user group. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field which represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field which notes the estimated number of hours required to process an issue), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

Project Summary [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays the numbers of records added for each product in each row of the table. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of each project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Requests On Hold [Users]

A bar chart which displays the number of current records in the On Hold state for every component. This metric is designed to provide a snapshot of the current records where the processing has been delayed. The data is broken down by component to allow you to easily identify problem components.

Severity 1 Issue Status [Users]

A bar chart which displays the relative number of records with a Severity rating of 1 in each state broken down by Product. This metric provides an overall status of the most severe issues reported for each Product.

Severity Trend [Users]

This metric will generate a three dimensional bar chart that displays the number of records added during each of the last twelve weeks, broken down by Severity. It can be used to see if the severity of records being added is changing over time.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of articles assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field which represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field which notes the estimated number of hours required to process an article), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

Workload by Project [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records were reported against each product. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by project.

Workload Status [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by status.

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Saved Charts in the Support Template

The following saved charts are available in the Metrics section of the Support template. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects and forms, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of records in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of records added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by product (one line per product that has at least one record added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new reports (records added) for each product over the last six months.

Average Close Time [Users]

This metric will generate a two dimensional bar chart with the average number number of days it takes to close an issue, with one bar for each Severity. The time is calculated by using the difference between the Date Reported field and the Close Date field of each input record. It is designed to easily see differences in how fast particular issues are closed based on their Severity.

Close Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which shows the number of records that were closed during each of the last 12 months. There is one line for each Request Type. And, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered closed if it moved into the Closed state during the month. It can be used to view the number of records closed each month for the previous year. It allows you to distinguish by Request Type (e.g. Bug, Enhancement).

Close Totals [Users]

This metric will generate a stacked line chart, which shows the cumulative number of records that have been closed as of the end of each month for the last twelve months. As with Close Rate, there is one (filled) line for each Request Type and the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A record is considered Closed if it has moved into the Closed state at some point prior to the end of the month. It can be used to see running totals of issues that were closed in the previous year, broken down by Request Type (e.g. Bug, Enhancement).

Company A Service [Users]

This metric will generate a bar chart, which shows the status of each record reported by the Company A user group broken down by request type. It can be used to see an overall picture of the type and status of the issues in process reported by Company A. This can be changed to show the status for records reported by other user groups (other companies, customers, vendors, partners, etc.)

Deadline Performance [Users]

This metric will generate a bar chart, which shows the average difference in days between the Est. Close Date and the actual Close Date of a record broken down for each product. It can be used to detect how effective the Est. Close Date is at predicting the actual Close Date of an issue. A negative value for any product indicates that the average issue is resolved before the Est. Close Date.

High Severity Issue Status [Users]

A line chart which displays the relative number of records with a Severity rating of 1, 2, or 3 in each state with a line for each Product. This metric provides an overall status of the most severe issues reported for each Product.

Project Summary [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays the numbers of records added for each product in each row of the table. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of each project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Requests On Hold [Users]

A bar chart which displays the number of current records in the On Hold state for every component. This metric is designed to provide a snapshot of the current records where the processing has been delayed. The data is broken down by component to allow you to easily identify problem components.

Severity Trend [Users]

This metric will generate a three dimensional bar chart that displays the number of records added during each of the last twelve weeks, broken down by Severity. It can be used to see if the severity of records being added is changing over time.

Support Workload [Users]

A bar chart which displays the number of records assigned to each member of the Support user group. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field which represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field which notes the estimated number of hours required to process an issue), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of articles assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field which represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field which notes the estimated number of hours required to process an article), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

Workload by Project [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records were reported against each product. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by project.

Workload Status [Users]

This metric will generate a table, which displays in each row the number of records currently assigned to a user. Each column breaks down how many records are currently in each state. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload by status.

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Saved Charts in the Base Template

The following saved charts are available in the Metrics section of the Support template. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects and forms, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of records in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of records added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by product (one line per product that has at least one record added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new reports (records added) for each product over the last six months.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of articles assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field which represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field which notes the estimated number of hours required to process an article), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

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Saved Charts in the Change Management Template

The following saved charts are included with the Change Management template. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects and forms, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of requests in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the requests for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of requests added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by Area (one line per Area that has at least one request added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new reports (requests added) for each Area over the last six months.

Average Implementation Time [Users]

This metric will generate a two dimensional bar chart with the average number number of days it takes to implement a request, with one bar for each Severity. The time is calculated by using the difference between the Date Reported field and the Implementation Date field of each input record. It is designed to easily see differences in how fast particular changes are implemented based on their Severity.

Average Total Time

This metric will generate a bar chart, which shows the average value of the Total Time field for the group of input records, with one bar for each Area. It is designed to easily see the total time spent implementing changes in different Areas.

Implementation Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which shows the number of requests that were implemented in each of the last 12 months. There is one line for each Change Level. And, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A request is considered implemented if it moved into the Implemented state during the month. It can be used to view the number of changes implemented each month for the previous year. It allows you to distinguish by Change Level (e.g. 1 - Urgent, 2 - Standard, 3 - Non urgent).

Implementation Totals [Users]

This metric will generate a stacked line chart, which shows the cumulative number of requests that have been implemented as of the end of each month for the last twelve months. As with Implementation Rate, there is one (filled) line for each Change Level and the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A request is considered implemented if it has moved into the Implemented state at some point prior to the end of the month. It can be used to see running totals of changes that were implemented in the previous year, broken down by Change Level (e.g. 1 - Urgent, 2 - Standard, 3 - Non urgent).

Request Approval Rate

This metric will generate a line chart which shows the number of requests that have been approved in each of the last 12 months. There is one line for each Area. And, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A request is considered approved if it moved into the Approved state during the month. It can be used to view the number of changes approved each month for the previous year. It allows you to distinguish by Area (Hardware, Software, etc.).

Request Rejection Rate

This metric will generate a line chart which shows the number of requests that have been rejected in each of the last 12 months. There is one line for each Area. And, the most recent month is a partial month (unless today is the last day of the month). A request is considered approved if it moved into the Rejected state during the month. It can be used to view the number of changes rejected each month for the previous year. It allows you to distinguish by Area (Hardware, Software, etc.).

Severity Trend [Users]

This metric will generate a three dimensional bar chart that displays the number of requests added during each of the last twelve weeks, broken down by Severity. It can be used to see if the severity of requests being added is changing over time.

Test Fail Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which displays the number of times QA rejected an implementation (a request moved from "In Test" to "In Process") during each of the last twelve months. There is one line per Area. The most recent month may be a partial month. It is used to see how many requests that were marked as Implemented, subsequently failed quality assurance testing. Note: a single request may have failed multiple times.

Test Pass Rate [Users]

This metric will generate a line chart, which displays the number of times QA accepted (passed) an implementation (a record moved from "In Test" to "Tested") during each of the last twelve months. There is one line per Area. The most recent month may be a partial month. It is used to see how many requests that were marked as Fixed, subsequently passed quality assurance testing.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of requests assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field that represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. Estimated Size), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

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