NetResults Tracker Help
Workflow Model

Tracker helps you to track the progress of a record through a series of steps within your organization. The order in which a record can move between these steps is called the workflow.

At each step in the workflow, some work is done by an individual to complete the step, and then the record is advanced to the next step. This process is repeated until all of the steps are completed. For instance, in a typical product development organization, the follow series of steps might take place once an issue is reported...

  1. Customer reports an issue
  2. Customer Support engineer verifies the issue and creates a record in the defect tracking system.
  3. Development Manager assigns the issue to a developer to fix.
  4. Developer fixes the issue
  5. Quality Assurance Manager assigns the issue to a QA engineer to verify the fix.
  6. QA engineer verifies the fix
  7. Fix is incorporated in the product

Issues to consider when designing a workflow include identifying the steps in the process, the key individuals in the process, the events that the key individuals should be notified about, the data that is required at each step in the process, and who should handle each step.

Tracker Workflow Customization

Tracker supports full customization of workflow for any number of individual process states. This customization includes state names, transitions, assignments, and email notification.

Tracker Automatic State Advance

To aid in the process of advancing the state of a record in the process flow, Tracker includes the Task feature. This feature allows the currently assigned individual to indicate that he/she has completed the task assigned to him/her and enter the information appropriate to completing the work. Tracker then automatically advances the record to the next appropriate state, and changes the assignment to the next appropriate individual (as defined by the Tracker Administrator).

With the Task feature, it is only necessary for each individual to log into the system, identify the task (record) that they have completed, and use the Task operation. They are prompted for all the information required and the record is sent on to the next individual automatically. All users follow the defined process without needing to know the process as a whole.

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