Glossary of Terms
Account Info - A link on the Home Page where you can update your user profile information such as address, phone number, email address, etc. More information: Account Information
Add & Copy - The operation on the Add Page that allows you to add a record while saving the information currently entered in the fields on the Add Page that can be used to submit another record. More information: Adding Records
Add Page - The page where a new record can be submitted to the system. More information: Adding Records
Add Similar - The operation on the View Page that allows you to add a record using the information from the record you are viewing. More information: Viewing Records
Alerts - Per-record email notifications triggered at a particular date & time, or relative to a date field or when there is a lack of change of status within a certain period of time. More information: Alerts
Attachments - Files or links that can be added to a record. More information: Record Attachments
Calendar - The icon that can be used to display a calendar for selecting dates. Click on the day to select the date to be entered into the date field. Click < or > to move backward or forward one month or click << or >> to move backward or forward one year. Click Now to set the date field to be the current date and time. Click on Exclude Time if you want to exclude the time information from being saved in the date field. For a field where the time information has previously been excluded, click Set Time if you wish to include the current time information in the field. Click OK to choose the highlighted date to be entered into the date field. Date will be selected and calendar dismissed when a date is clicked when the time is excluded. Dates displayed in red are non-business days according to the Business Days option in the Preferences section. Click Cancel to dismiss the calendar without saving changes.
Child Pulldown - A pulldown which is dependent on a parent pulldown. When an option menu item is selected in the parent pulldown, only the option menu items related to the item in the parent pulldown will be available in the child pulldown.
Clone - A duplicate of a record created using the Cloning feature.
Delete - The operation which you can use to mark a record as deleted. More information: Deleting Records
Dependent Pulldowns - The feature that allows a relationship to be created between pulldowns. When an option menu item is selected in a parent pulldown, the values in a child pulldown are limited to only those option menu items that are associated with the value selected in the parent pulldown.
Discuss - The area where you can view, reply or start a new discussion thread for a record. More information: Discussions
Edit Page - The page where the fields, attachments list, source code list and alerts settings for a record can be modified. More information: Editing Records
Edit Records - A link that can be used to edit a set of query results. More information: Querying Records
Export - The Export link can be used to export report data from the reports on the History, Home, Query or Metrics pages.
Field - A part of the form where data is collected. Fields are created by your Tracker Administrator.
Field Help - Placing your cursor on this icon in the Add, Edit and Task will display additional information about each field. Field Help can be enabled / disabled via the Preferences page.
Filter - A way to narrow down query results on the Home or Query pages by applying criteria to Date, Floating Point or Integer fields. More information: Querying Records
Form - A set of fields that combined make up a particular "record". For example, if you are using Tracker for issue tracking, the fields that are filled out on the Add Page are part of the "form" for submitting issues into Tracker. Your Tracker Administrator may have set up multiple forms (e.g. one form for submitting bugs and a separate form for submitting enhancements. Each form has its own set of fields that are collected when submitting a record).
Help - Clicking on this icon in the top button bar will display the User Help Guide in a second browser window. Clicking on this link in the Status bar will display the context-sensitive Help section in a second browser window. More information: User's Help Guide Table of Contents
History Page - The page where a query can be run to search for information in the audit trail of the records. More information: Record History
Home Page - The first page a user sees when logging into a workgroup. It can be configured to display up to 3 reports and includes links to update your account information and set your preferences. More information: Home Page
Key Fields - Important fields configured in a form that can be searched via the Search Window or via Link Fields when trying to identify or locate particular records. More information: Viewing Records
Knowledge Base - This separately purchased option allows your end users to search for information to resolve questions and issues without logging into Tracker. More information: Knowledge Base
Login to a workgroup - The operation used to access a workgroup. More information: Logging In
Logoff - Clicking on this icon in the toolbar will end your Tracker session.
Metrics - The page where you can generate graphical reports such as bar, line or pie charts. More information: Metrics
Obsolete Item - A value in a pulldown field that has been marked as inactive. Option menu items can be marked as obsolete to allow the item to be preserved in existing records, but an obsolete item cannot be selected when adding new records or modifying existing records. More information: Querying Records
Option Menu Item - Values in a pulldown field
Parent Pulldown - A pulldown that has one or more child pulldowns associated with it. When an option menu item is selected in the parent pulldown, it limits the option menu items available in the child pulldown to only those values associated with the item selected in the parent pulldown.
Preferences - A link on the Home Page where you can set user preferences such as selecting the reports displayed on the Home Page, choosing your local time zone and other date settings among others. More information: Preferences
Print - The Print link can be used to print the report(s) displayed on the History, Home, Query or Metrics pages.
Query Page - The page where reports can be generated (including the reports available on the Home Page). You can run ad-hoc queries, saved queries, advanced saved queries and configure report layouts. More information: Querying Records
Project - A plan or design. A project can be a collection of records or actions that need to be completed by a particular group of people. Projects can be defined by your Tracker Administrator to use certain forms, workflows, state managers and be visible to particular user groups.
Record Visibility - A feature that allows you to select which user groups can access the record you are adding or editing via the Make Visible to These User Groups field if you have the appropriate user group privilege. More information: Adding Records, Editing Records
Search Window - When clicking on the Task, Edit, View, Discuss or Delete icons in the Button bar, a Search Window is displayed to allow you to enter a specific record number or enter criteria to search for records based on key fields or within a project or form.
Self Registration - This feature allows users to create their own user account. More information: Self Registration
Source Code Control - Tracker can be integrated with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe to associate relevant source files to a record. More information: Source Code Control
State - Each item in the Status field, a state represents a step in the workflow process.
State Group - Workflow states that share a common characteristic. For example, a state group called "Active" could include all states where a record is actively being processed; the group excludes states such as "Closed" or "On Hold" or "Deferred". You may see state groups listed in the Status field on the Query and Metrics pages for the purpose of simplifying report criteria (e.g. return all records in "Active" states).
State Manager - A user assigned to a certain state in the workflow for the combination of project and form selected in the record.
Submit via Email - This feature allows users to send an email message as a means of submitting a record to Tracker. See your Tracker Administrator for details.
Submit via Web for Unregistered Users - Also known as the Submit Page, this separately purchased option allows unregistered users to submit records via a web form. See your Tracker Administrator for details.
Task - The operation that can be used to process a record. The Task operation prompts you with transitions available for processing a record based on the record's current state, prompts you with the fields that correspond to each transition and routes the record automatically based on the workflow settings. More information: Marking a Task Complete
Transition - A path used to move records from one state to another in the workflow, transitions are presented as choices when you use the Task operation to process a record. More information: Marking a Task Complete
View Page - The page where a record's fields, attachments, clone info, alerts, source code list, discussion threads and record history can be viewed. More information: Viewing Records
Workflow - The set of steps that represents your organization's process.
Workgroup - A workgroup is an area with its own database and web pages. Each workgroup is intended to be an area independent of other workgroups (e.g. a workgroup has its own database and features can be enabled / disabled within each workgroup).
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