NetResults Tracker Help |
Color Preferences | | | |
Color Preferences can be set to customize
the look and feel of the pages in Tracker.
You may wish to change the color preferences from their
defaults so that the Tracker pages
reflect the color scheme of your web site or organization.
Topics Covered In This Section
Color Preferences
To set the Color Preferences:
- Login to the
as Admin
- Click on the Admin icon in the top
button bar
- Click on the Color Preferences link
- To change the color of an item, select a color from
the pulldown or select <Custom> to
enter the Hex code. Hex code must be in the
format "#XXXXXX". An explanation
of each item can be found below.
Your selections are displayed in a preview to the right of
the preferences.
- Click on the OK button to save the changes
A Reset button is available to reset the color preferences to their
settings as of the last time the Color Preferences were saved.
A Cancel button is available to return to the Admin section
without saving any changes to the Color Preferences page.
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General Settings
- Theme - select the "Default" Tracker theme or
select "Custom" to use the color preferences that have been changed from the default setting.
- Button Bar Background - The color used in the background of
the Button Bar in the Tracker
pages (e.g. the area displayed in black
behind the text "Powered by NetResults Tracker"
in the General Settings Sample).
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Login Page Settings
The Login Page settings are available for customizing the color
of the Login Page and Self Registration Page (if applicable).
- Page Background - The background color of the area behind the Login box (e.g.
the white area behind the Login box
in the Login Page Sample).
- Header Gradient - Select a method for applying a gradient effect to the Header
color (e.g. "None" is the method selected in the
area behind the text "NetResults Tracker" in the
Login Page Sample).
Selecting "None" will not apply the gradient effect to the
Header color.
- Header Background - The background color of the top section of the Login box
(e.g. the blue color behind the text "NetResults Tracker"
in the Login Page Sample).
- Header Text - The color of the text in the top section of the Login box
(e.g. the color of the text "NetResults Tracker"
in the Login Page Sample).
- Body Background - The background color of the Login box
(e.g. the color behind the text
"Enter your ID & password.", "User ID" and "Password"
in the Login Page Sample).
- Body Text - The color of the text in the Login box
(e.g. the color of the text
"Enter your ID & password.",
"User ID" and "Password"
in the Login Page Sample).
- Border - The color of the border of the Login box
(e.g. the color of the border around the Login box
in the
Login Page Sample).
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Color Preferences for other Features
The color preferences for the following features can be found in
other sections:
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