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Passing Information to the Submit Page

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Passing Information to the Submit Page Fields using a String or Form Fields

The fields on the Submit Page can be filled out automatically using information passed using "GET" (query string) or using "POST" (form fields from another page).

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Passing Data Using GET (Query String)

To pass data to the Submit Page using GET, append the API Field Name to the URL of the Submit Page. For example, if the Submit Page URL is:


and you want to pass the value "testing" into field Text1, the URL would look like:


To pass multiple values, include an ampersand (&) between each value. For example, if you want to "testing" to be the value for Text1 and "280" to be the value for Int2, use this URL:


Data that contains spaces can be passed as in the example below:

http://myServer/myworkgroup/internet/user_add.asp?Text1=this is a simple test&Date4=11/11/2008 12:34:56 PM

Browsers convert this URL into:

http://myServer/myworkgroup/internet/user_add.asp?Text1= this%20is%20a%20simple test&Date4=11/11/2008%2012:34:56%20PM

If your browser does not encode the URL, to pass the data you must manually encode the URL.

If more than one value is passed for the same field, the values will be merged together with a comma (,) For example, if you use this URL


the field Text1 will have the data "part1, part2" entered.

Please review the information in the Guidelines for Passing Data section for detailed information about passing data and special handling for the various field types.

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Passing Data Using POST (Form Fields)

You can create a web page (using HTML or other languages) that will pass (post) the form fields to the Submit Page. You can use hidden fields on the web page to pass data. Please review the information in the Guidelines for Passing Data section for detailed information about passing data and special handling for the various field types.

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Guidelines for Passing Data to the Submit Page

Data can be passed to the Submit Page for the following field types: Assignee, Date, Float, Form, Integer, Product, Project, Pulldown, Release Number, Status, Text, TextArea, URL and YesNo. Data cannot be passed into the field types: Link and Reporter. Data for adding attachments cannot be passed.

Data can only be passed to the Submit Page for fields that are visible on the Submit Page, meaning the property Include on Submit Page must be set to Yes for the field on the appropriate form. If the field is using global properties, the Include on Submit Page property must be set to "Yes" in the Fields section. If the field is not using global properties, the Include on Submit Page property must be set to "Yes" for the field in the Forms section. See the Submit Page Fields section for the appropriate steps for setting this property. If data is passed for a field that is not visible, the data will be ignored.

To pass the value of a field, use the field's API Field Name. API Field Names are not case-sensitive (e.g. Text1 is the same as text1).

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Data Handling by Field Type

The following describes the data that can be accepted into each field type.

Assigned To - The data passed must be the User ID that corresponds to a user present in the Assigned To field's values. If the data passed does not match the User ID of a user present in the Assigned To field, the default user will be selected. The default user is the state manager of the default add state.

Date and Time - The data passed must be a string in the format that matches the Date and Time formats selected in the General Preferences section for the Unregistered User Options. For example, if Date Format is "mm/dd/yyyy" and time format is "12 Hour", the data passed must be a string of the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM. The time can be omitted, if desired.

Float - The data passed must be valid real number with a decimal point included. This field can accept positive or negative values.

Form - The data passed must match a form that is available on the Submit Page. The forms available on the Submit Page are determined by the User Groups setting in the Unregistered User Options in the General Preferences section.

To pass data into this field, use "Form" as the API Field Name as in the example below:


where "Issue" is the name of the form to which the data should be passed.

Integer - The data passed must be an integer. This field can accept positive or negative values.

Product - See the information for "Pulldown" field type.

Project - The data passed must match a project that is available on the Submit Page. The projects available on the Submit Page are determined by the User Groups setting in the Unregistered User Options in the General Preferences section.

To pass data into this field, use "Project" as the API Field Name as in the example below:

http://myServer/myworkgroup/internet/user_add.asp?Project=Product Development

where "Product Development" is the name of the project to which the data should be passed.

Pulldown - The data passed must match the label of an option menu item present in the pulldown field's values (items that are not visible in the pulldown on the Submit Page such as obsolete items or items that have the Value is Public property unchecked cannot be selected). If the data passed does not match an item present in the field's values, the default option menu item will be selected.

This feature cannot be used with Pulldown fields that have the Display Style property set to "Search Pulldown".

Data can be passed to pulldowns that are part of a dependent relationship. For example, let's say Pulldown3 is dependent on Pulldown2 and Pulldown2 is dependent on Pulldown1. To set the values for each field, you can use something like the following:

http://myServer/myworkgroup/internet/user_add.asp?Pulldown1=Printer&Pulldown2=Toner &Pulldown3=Ink

It is recommended that you specify the fields in parent to child order. If a value specified does not match an item available in the pulldown, the default value for the field will be selected. Using the example above, if "Ink" does not match an item in Pulldown3, then the default option menu item for Pulldown3 will be selected.

Release Number - The data passed must match the label of an option menu item present in the Release Number field's values. Specifying the API Field Name for the Release Number will set the first digit of the field. To pass data for the second ("B"), third ("C") or fourth ("D") digits, you must also include the API Field Name as in the example below:


Status - The data passed must match a state available in the Status field on the Submit Page. If the data passed does not match a state, the default add state will be selected.

Text - The data passed can be a text string of up to 80 characters for Access database and up to 160 characters for SQL Server or Oracle database. Please ensure that the string contains no more than the maximum allowed number of characters as passing a string with more than the maximum will result in a system error when submitting the record.

TextArea - The data passed can be a very large text string. The maximum value is determined by your web browser and the particular database in use.

Url - The data passed can be a string of up to 255 characters that is a valid formatted URL.

YesNo - The data passed must be either "Yes" or "No" (case does not matter). If the Display Style is set to Checkbox, passing the value "Yes" will check the box, passing the value "No" will leave the box unchecked.

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