NetResults ProblemTracker
Initializing The Database

If you are using Microsoft Access as your database, you can skip this section.

Initializing the Database

For databases other than Microsoft Access (a template database is provided for Microsoft access so initialization is not required), you must initialize the ODBC data source using the ProblemTracker Database Administration Utility

To start the DB Admin Utility, select the following on the machine on which you installed ProblemTracker.
Start->Programs->NetResults ProblemTracker->workgroup->ProblemTracker DB Admin Utility
Or, you can direct your browser to the following URL:


where serverName is the TCP/IP name of the host where the ProblemTracker server software is installed, and versionDir is the subdirectory for the particular workgroup of ProblemTracker installed.

In the ProblemTracker Database Administration Utility, select the database you are using from the first pulldown, and then press the button labeled "Initialize Database".

You must perform this for each workgroup you have installed. Note: each workgroup has its own DB Admin Utility (different URL, different start menu option).

Database Registry Entries

For MS SQL Server, the ProblemTracker database initialization procedure also writes several entries to the Windows NT Registry under the following key:


There is a subkey for each workgroup of ProblemTracker installed, for example ptdev, ptdev2, ptdev3, ptdev4, and ptweb. Under each sub key are the following String values:

If these entries are accidentally erased it is common to see errors reporting a failure to connect to SQL Server due to a user authentication problem.