Read Me — NetResults Tracker Version 6.7.1 Patch A

© 1997-2016 NetResults Corporation. All rights reserved.

These are the Release Notes for Patch A for NetResults Tracker version 6.7.1. Please do not apply this patch on any other Tracker version. Please review the information below and contact NetResults Technical Support with any questions you have before applying the patch.

Reason for the Patch

This back-patches support for newer versions of Firefox (45+) and Chrome (50+) from NetResults Tracker version 6.7.2 into version 6.7.1.

Instead of applying this patch, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to version 6.7.2 to get all of the new features and fixes in 6.7.2. However, you can use this patch to temporarily add support for newer versions of the Firefox and Chrome web browsers (please note that this patch does not include the Metrics support for web browsers that block Java, such as Chrome 50+, which was added in release 6.7.2).

Known Issues

There are no known issues at this time.


The patch file is included in a zip archive named
The zip archive contains the following file. All times are modification times in Pacific Time.           12/03/2015 12:55 PM

Prior to Installing the Patch

Prior to installing this patch, you must do the following.

  1. Verify that you are using NetResults Tracker version 6.7.1

    Login to a workgroup in your installation and look in the top right. It should say Powered by NetResults Tracker version 6.7.1. If this is not the version listed, do not apply this patch. Use of this patch on any other version will not work.

  2. Verify that you have a recent backup of your NetResults Tracker Installation

    Verify that you have a recent (e.g. from last night) backup of your NetResults Tracker installation. Information on backup is available in the following NetResults Tracker Knowledge Base article.

Installation Instructions

This patch can be applied while users are actively using the system; however, we still recommend performing installation during a maintenance window (when it would be acceptable to temporarily block end user access). After performing the steps in the 'Prior to Installing the Patch' section above, follow the instructions below to apply this patch to your NetResults Tracker installation.

  1. Unzip the file into a temporary directory (for example, C:\temp). The patch should contain the following files listed in the Contents section above.
  2. On the web server machine where NetResults Tracker is installed, login to Windows as local Administrator (or a user in the local Administrators group).
  3. Login to Workgroup Management System (WMS) as ptadmin in a new browser.
  4. Click on Admin icon in the tool bar. Select the option (View Common Parameters used by WMS) and click the Continue button.
  5. In the 'View Global Information' page, write down the value for Web Directory. You will need this value later in this process. By default, it will be C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\NetResultsTracker. It may be different if the default was overridden during the original installation.
  6. If this is being done during a maintenance window (if it is OK to temporarily block end user access), block all your workgroups. To block all workgroups, do the following:
    1. Click on the Admin icon. Select the option (Block/Unblock Workgroups) and click the Continue button.
    2. Select all the check boxes and click the Block/Unblock button. Click OK to confirm.
    3. The State column should display Blocked for all workgroups.
    You have blocked user access to all of your workgroups.
  7. Browse to the following directory: <Web Directory>\pttemplate\Include, where <Web Directory> is the directory you looked up in step 5. Locate the file "". Make a copy of this file and move it to a safe place.
  8. Copy the patch file from the temporary directory in step 1 into the following directory: <Web Directory>\ptadmin\Include, where <Web Directory> is the directory you looked up in step 5. Click Yes to replace the old version of the file.
  9. Copy the patch file from the temporary directory in step 1 into the following directory: <Web Directory>\ptcommon\Include, where <Web Directory> is the directory you looked up in step 5. Click Yes to replace the old version of the file.
  10. Copy the patch file from the temporary directory in step 1 into the following directory: <Web Directory>\pttemplate\Include, where <Web Directory> is the directory you looked up in step 5. Click Yes to replace the old version of the file.
  11. Go back to the browser window logged into WMS and note the Location for each workgroup. To find the Location for each workgroup, do the following:
    1. Click on the View icon in the tool bar.
    2. Select the workgroup name from the pulldown and click on the View button.
    3. In the 'General' section, write down the value for Location.
    4. Copy the patch file from the temporary directory in step 1 into the following directory: <Workgroup Location>\Include, where <Workgroup Location> is the directory you looked up in step c above. Click Yes to replace the old version of the file.
    Perform steps 11-a to 11-d (above) for each of your workgroups.
  12. If you chose to block all workgroups, unblock all your workgroups now. To unblock all workgroups, do the following:
    1. Click on the Admin icon. Select the option (Block/Unblock Workgroups) and click Continue button.
    2. Select all the check boxes and click the Block/Unblock button. Click OK to confirm.
    3. The State column should display Active for all workgroups.
    You have unblocked user access to all of your workgroups.
  13. Click on the Logoff icon in WMS and close your web browser.
  14. You have now applied the patch to your NetResults Tracker installation.

If you have any questions regarding this patch, please contact NetResults Technical Support.


NetResults Tracker © 1997-2016 NetResults Corporation. All rights reserved.
NetResults Tracker is a trademark of NetResults Corporation.