NetResults ProblemTracker
Workgroup Database Operations

To access the Workgroup Database Operations for a particular workgroup, login to the Workgroup Management System, then click on the Workgroup Database Tools icon to the left of the workgroup name on the Workgroup Management System Home Page. Optionally, you can get to the Workgroup Database Operations page by clicking on the Admin icon, selecting the option "Manage Workgroup Database Operations", then clicking on the Continue button

The following options are available for each workgroup. With the exception of the Export Tables option, each of these options should only be used under the guidance of NetResults Technical Support or Professional Services:

Export Tables
Allows you to export all of the tables within the database in the form of comma separate text files (CSV). This is useful to create a snapshot of the database at any point in time, or to generate data in a format usable by third party utilities.

Initialize Tables
This operation creates the necessary database tables and populates the database with the initial data. This operation is typically run after using the Add Workgroup operation rather than from this page.

Create Tables
This operation creates the necessary database tables without initializing them (empty tables). This function is typically used after performing a Migrate operation rather than from this page.

Delete Tables
This operation completely deletes all data (records, configuration settings, etc.) and tables from the database. This operation should not be used without the supervision of NetResults Technical Support.

Import Tables
Allows you to import an entire database in the form of comma separated text files (CSV). Due to data integrity issues spanning multiple tables, this feature should not be used without the supervision of NetResults Technical Support or Professional Services. Doing so will most likely result in a non-functional database (even though it may appear to work for a while) and is a violation of your license agreement if done without the supervision of NetResults Technical support or Professional Services.

Upgrade Data Only
This operation upgrades data from a previous version of ProblemTracker to the current version. This operation will only upgrade the database. To upgrade the workgroup files, choose the relevant upgrade option in the WMS Admin section.

Exporting Databases

The export operation exports the entire contents of the database to comma separate text files (CSV). The files are written to a subdirectory named "Importer\ProblemTracker4\Export\Data" below the installation directory (e.g. pteval, the default workgroup). One file is generated for each table.

To export the database, select the database type from the pulldown, and click on the "Export Database" button.

Deleting Databases

The Delete operation removes all the data and database tables from the database. Only use this operation if you do not care about the existing data in the database, and have a way to restore your database to a desired state.

To delete the database, select the database type from the pulldown, and click on the "Delete Database" button.