The following section discusses the features and operations that can trigger email notification messages to be sent from Tracker.
The Alerts feature can send email notification messages at a designated date and time to remind a user or group about a record or to notify a user or group that a record's status has not changed within a specific period of time. Information on configuring the Alerts feature to send email notification messages can be found in the Alerts section of this Help guide.
The Discussion feature can send email notification messages to invite a user or group to participate in a discussion for a record or can notify a user or group about a new post to a discussion thread. Information on configuring the Discussion feature to send email notification messages can be found in the Discussion section of this Help guide.
Tracker can be configured to automatically send email notification messages when the following actions are performed on a record:
Any combination of users and groups can be selected to be notified for each operation mentioned above.
Email notification preferences can be set per workflow and can also be set based on a selection made in a particular pulldown field (Product, Priority, Severity or any pulldown field that you define in the Manage Fields section). Such customization may be necessary to account for changes in the workflow process or the users participating in the process.
Add Options
When a record is created, a notification email can be sent to any of the following individuals and / or groups:
The individual who is currently assigned to the
The individual who reported the record
State Manager
The manager assigned to the workflow state of the record
when it is added
User Group
The user groups configured within the workgroup will be listed.
You can select any user group(s) to receive notification
when a record is added
Edit Options
When a record is edited, a notification email can be sent to any of the following individuals and / or groups:
The individual who is currently assigned to the
Assignee (new)
The individual selected in the
Assigned To field (if the Assignee is changed during the Edit
Assignee (previous)
The individual who was the previously assigned to the record
(if the Assigned To field is changed during the Edit
The individual who reported the record
State Manager
The manager assigned to the workflow state of the record
when it is edited
State Manager (new)
The manager assigned to the new workflow state of the record
(if the Status field is changed during the Edit operation)
State Manager (previous)
The manager assigned to the previous workflow state of the
record (if the Status field is changed during the Edit operation)
User Group
The user groups configured in the workgroup will be listed.
You can select any user group(s) to receive notification
when a record is edited.
Delete Options
When a problem record is deleted, a notification email can be sent to any of the following individuals and / or groups:
The individual who is currently assigned to the
The individual who reported the record
State Manager
The manager assigned to the workflow state of the record
when it is deleted
User Group
The user groups configured in the workgroup will be listed.
You can select any user group(s) to receive notification
when a record is deleted.
Task Options
When the Task operation is performed on a record, a notification email can be sent to any of the following individuals and / or groups:
The individual who is currently assigned to the
Assignee (new)
The individual assigned to the record (if the
Assigned To field is changed during the Task
Assignee (previous)
The individual who was previously assigned to the record
(if the Assigned To field is changed during the Task
The individual who reported the record
State Manager
The manager assigned to the workflow state of the record
when the Task operation is performed
State Manager (new)
The manager assigned to the new workflow state of the record
(if the Status field is changed during the Task operation)
State Manager (previous)
The manager assigned to the previous workflow state of the
record (if the Status field is changed during the Task operation)
User Group
The user groups configured in the workgroup will be listed.
You can select any user group(s) to receive notification
when the Task operation is performed on a record.
Assignment Change Options
When a change of assignment occurs for a record, notification email can be sent to the following individuals and / or groups:
Assignee (new)
The individual the record is being assigned to
Assignee (previous)
The individual the record was assigned to before the change
of assignment
The individual who reported the record
State Manager
The manager assigned to the current workflow state of the record
User Group
The user groups configured in the workgroup will be listed.
You can select any user group(s) to receive notification
when a record is re-assigned.
Status Change Options
When a change of state occurs for a record, a notification email can be sent to the following individuals and / or groups:
The individual who is currently assigned to the record
The individual who reported the record
State Manager (new)
The manager assigned to the new workflow state
State Manager (previous)
The manager assigned to the original workflow state
User Group
The user groups configured in the workgroup will be listed.
You can select any user group(s) to receive notification
when a record's Status has changed.
You can establish notification rules based on changes to particular states. Examples of notification rules that can be used simultaneously for changes to particular states:
Please note that these are just examples of the many combinations that are possible to establish notification rules for a change in state.
Please review the Manage Workflows section for details on configuring email rules.