NetResults Tracker Help
The Base Template


The Base template provides a template with minimal configuration: only the required fields are available, one workflow state, only the required users and user groups are present. Use of this template is recommended when the rest of available templates do not closely resemble the process you wish to implement in Tracker.

This template contains the following system required user groups:

Admins - Responsible for performing administrative tasks.

RestrictedUsers - All restricted users are members of this group.

Users - All non-Restricted users are members of this group.

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A default project called "First Project" is available in this template and is visible to all user groups. This project can be customized and additional projects can be added via the Projects section.

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A default form called "Issue" is available in this template, is associated with the "First Project" Project and is visible to all user groups. This form can be customized and additional forms can be added via the Forms section.

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The Issue form contains the following fields. Note that you can customize the database by adding to or removing fields, or changing any pulldown menu values via the Fields section. Field names with an asterisk (all of the fields in this template) are required by the system and cannot be removed from any form(s).
PRN* Numeric record identifier. Assigned at the time the issue is created.
Product* Identifies the product for which the issue has been reported. Set at the time the issue is created.
Last Updated Date* The date and time the issue was last modified. Set automatically as the issue is processed through the workflow.
Reported By* Name of the user that reported the problem. Initially set to the name of the current user logged in. Set at the time the issue is created.
Status* Current state of the issue. Changes as the issue is processed through the workflow.
Assigned To* User the issue is currently assigned to for processing. Set either manually or automatically during processing of the workflow.
Deleted* Denotes whether the issue has been deleted.

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A default workflow called "Business Process" is available in this template and is associated with the "Issue" Form and is in use in the "First Project" Project. This workflow contains a single state without any transitions. You can customize the Business Process workflow or add additional workflows via the Workflows section.

  1. Reported

    When an issue is created, it is set to the state Reported and assigned to TBD

    This is implemented by:

    Default Add State Settings

    • Define Default Add State based on the Product field
    • Define Reported as the Default Add State when an issue is added for all products
    • Define All as the state group for Allowed Add States for all products
    State Managers - State Managers are set in the Form State Managers section.
    • Define State Managers based on the Product field
    • Assign TBD as the manager for the Reported state

    Transitions - There are no transitions defined in the Business Process Workflow.

    Task Fields There are no task fields defined in the Business Process Workflow.

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Sample Saved Charts

A set of sample saved charts are included in this template. The default Project and Form will be selected as part of the criteria. If your workgroup contains multiple projects and forms, these charts can be edited to include additional projects or choose a different form, if desired:

Project Status (default) [Users]

This metric will generate a pie chart, which displays the relative number of records in each possible state. It is designed to give you a quick breakdown of the overall status of a project. To limit the chart to a particular project or release, select a Saved Query that only displays (matches) the records for the project or release as the value for Input Records and click Show Chart.

Add Rate [Users]

This metric will generate two dimensional line chart with the number of records added during each week for the previous 26 weeks broken down by product (one line per product that has at least one record added in the last 26 weeks). It is designed to give you display trend information about the number of new reports (records added) for each product over the last six months.

Workload [Users]

This metric will generate bar chart, which displays the number of articles assigned to each user. This can give you a rough idea of the current workload. If you have a field which represents the actual work required for a particular item (e.g. a float type field which notes the estimated number of hours required to process an article), you can create your own chart to total the value(s) of that field for each user and display it in a similar fashion.

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Email Notification

The Base template is set up to notify users as follows:

On Add or Delete of a Record: The current assignee, the manager for the current state, and the reporter of the issue are notified

On Change of Assignment: Both the current assignee and the manager for the current state of the issue are notified

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The Base template assumes a very simple security model reflecting a workgroup situation where all users are able to see any issue. This is implemented by setting Enable Record Visibility option under General Preferences in the Administration Task page to No.

In addition, the privileges related to editing fields within the issues have been removed from users that are not managers or Admin. With this configuration, users can rely on the Task operation to move issues through the workflow. This can be changed within the User Accounts section of the Admin page.

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