
NetResults Tracker 6.7.3 Released

May 26, 2016

Version 6.7.3 of NetResults Tracker has been released. It includes updates to support the latest version of the Microsoft Edge web browser, SQL Server 2016, and MySQL 5.7. Please review the 6.7.3 feature list for details.

Upgrade instructions and download information are available on the downloads page.

Please Upgrade On-Premises 6.7.1 Installs ASAP

April 21, 2016

If you maintain an on-premises installation of NetResults Tracker 6.7.1, please either upgrade to the latest version ( download, upgrade instructions ) or patch your 6.7.1 installation ( download, installation instructions ) as soon as possible.

An upgrade (or patch) is required for use of the Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Chrome web browsers. Without a patch or upgrade, users of Firefox 46+ and Chrome 51+ will be unable to login to your Tracker installation. Users of Firefox ESR 45 will be able to login but only after seeing an "unsupported web browser" warning.

The Firefox 45+ Support and Chrome 50+ Support Knowledge Base articles contain further information.

More News and Information

For additonal news and NetResults Tracker tips, please browse to the new blog site.